Tenant's FAQs

For Box Residential Property Management Tenants:

1. How can I view available rental properties managed by Box Residential?

  • You can view available rental properties on the Box Residential Website, through online listings, or by contacting our property management team directly.

2. What is the application process for renting a property through Box Residential?

  • The application process involves submitting a detailed online application application, undergoing a background and credit check, providing rental references, and demonstrating proof of income.

3. Are there any fees associated with the rental application process?

  • Yes, there are application fees to cover the cost of background checks. Please refer to the application guidelines or contact our team for specific fee information.

4. How are rental payments processed, and what payment methods are accepted by Box Residential?

  • Rental payments are processed securely online through our designated payment portal. Accepted payment methods include bank transfers, or other electronic payment options.

5. What is the process for submitting maintenance requests with Box Residential?

  • Maintenance requests can be submitted through the Box Residential online portal, by phone. Our team will address maintenance issues promptly and coordinate necessary repairs.

6. How are emergency maintenance issues handled after regular business hours?

  • Box Residential provides an emergency contact number for after-hours maintenance issues. Emergency repairs will be addressed promptly to ensure tenant safety.

7. Can I renew my lease with Box Residential, and what is the process for lease renewal?

  • Yes, lease renewals are possible. The lease renewal process typically involves communication from our team, outlining terms, and providing instructions on renewing the lease agreement.

8. How can I communicate with Box Residential regarding any concerns or questions?

  • You can communicate with Box Residential through various channels, including phone, email, or our online portal. We strive to maintain open and transparent communication with our tenants.

9. Is renter's insurance required for tenants of Box Residential properties?

  • Yes, we highly recommend and may require tenants to have renter's insurance to protect personal belongings. Please refer to your lease agreement for specific details.

10. Are there community guidelines or rules that tenants are expected to follow? -

  • Yes, Box Residential have community guidelines and Landlord rules outlined in the lease agreement. It's important for tenants to familiarize themselves with these guidelines to maintain a positive living environment.

11. How does Box Residential handle security deposits, and when can I expect the return of my deposit? -

  • Details regarding security deposits are outlined in the lease agreement. Box Residential follows legal procedures for handling security deposits, and you can expect the return as specified in the agreement.



contact us

Box Residential Property Management

2200 North Loop West

Ste 126

Houston, Texas 77018

Telephone: 832-943-4000

Email: info@boxresidential.com